Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Session #10: "Maybe is Better"

This is my first time getting tattooed in almost two months. It was nice to not have to worry about a trip to New York around Christmas shopping and visits with relatives and friends—but it was good to get back on schedule with my appointments.

The trip to New York was especially cold this morning, but it was especially warm in Shinji’s studio—almost stiflingly so.

Today was a lot of drawing to begin with, and this often makes for a rough start. During the first fifteen minutes I’m daydreaming, looking at any new photos of the work Shinji has decorating the walls. By the first half hour I’m trying hard not to shift my weight as my feet start to fall asleep. After forty-five minutes of standing in the same place I’m often lightheaded, and struggling to hold out while Shinji finishes. I had to stop and take a break partway through, and I was glad to finally be lying down when he finished sketching today’s line work.

But things just got more difficult, as today was the day to finish the inside of my right thigh, up to the crack of my ass, and own the other side. Getting the lines done on my inner butt cheeks was probably the worst so far—and that was just the outlines. I imagine the shading there will be just as shitty to sit through, if not worse. We will see.

Shinji called it a day after and hour and-a-half (which was fine with me). He finished the most tender parts on my butt, and then worked his way up my right side, to right below my armpit. (He started to connect to the Horiyoshi III piece on my right arm, which is exciting.) Afterward, like I usually do, I asked his apprentice to help with photos of my progress. I stood in front the drape separating the two rooms, legs about hip-width apart, with my back to the camera as he snapped a few cell-phone shots.

“Maybe is better,” Shinji said, “if his legs…” He motioned with his hands….
“Closer together?”
“Yes, legs together, I think.”
I stood with my feet together for the last few shots, thanked him, and headed out.

As I was going through the photos on the bus on the way home, I can see why Shinji made the suggestion: in the early shots my scrotum is especially prominent, distractedly hanging down between my legs in the early photos. Did I mention it was really warm in the studio today?

Yes, I thought, maybe is better.

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