Friday, September 18, 2015

Session #25: "Your Hair is Strong!" (NYC)

"Your hair is... strong!" Shinji said, and laughed. He was shaving my right shoulder, prepping the skin for where he was doing to work today.

When people ask about where I'm "from"—meaning where my ancestors came from—I tell them I'm "7/8 German." Of my great-grandparents, seven out of eight of them were first or second-generation German immigrants, with one marrying a Brit—or so my parents tell me. This means: the older I get, the more hair I get on my back.

I run clippers over the hair on my back before each appointment. (Usually with help to get the hard-to-reach spots.) I can usually guess what areas Shinji will be working on at the next appointment. This time I guessed wrong. Instead of starting to work up from my left hip (where there is still a good bit to do) he continued on my right shoulder, connecting my back to the work on my arm done by Horiyoshi 3.

I do wonder how my dragon will look when my hair grows in, when I'm not as fastidious about maintaining the growth on my Germanic back. I wonder how it looks too; the Japanese half-suit on the blond guy. Cultural appropriation aside: The blond hair, the freckles; how does it look with such heavy black, such solid coverage; the design coming from over a hundred years of Japanese tattooing tradition of being put on less pale, less hairy skin, framed by black body and head hair?

I have a lot of time to ponder thoughts like these as I'm getting tattooed.

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