Monday, November 18, 2013

¡Lucha Libre! (un otra vez)

I specifically booked my flight back to Philly on a Saturday so I would still be in town for Friday night's Lucha Libre! As most everyone had left the hotel on Friday morning, I ended up catching a cab and going by myself.

I had a great conversation with the taxi driver. As he spoke almost no English in was primarily in Spanish—so I got some good practice. When we got to Arena México he asked me, "¿Tiene un billete?" "No, no tengo un billete, I answered. (No, I don't have a ticket.) "No compra billetes en las calle. ¿Entiende? "Si," I said as I exited the taxi. "Yo entiendo." As I opened the door, I was mobbed by the hawkers selling tickets. I pushed past them to the window to buy a ticket, and then made my way inside.

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