Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Session #29: Color! (NYC)

How do you color in a coloring book? How do you choose which areas to do first? What colors?

At today's appointment, after I got changed and walked over to the tattooing area, I saw Shinji had yellow, orange, and red inks in cups, ready to go. "We're doing flames today?" I asked. "Yes!" said Shinji, almost as excited as I was. Today was the day we started with color.

Shinji started straight away right under the left butt cheek. Fuck! I had forgotten how much that area hurts. Less than an hour later he had swing around the whole cheek, and was up by my ribs. He's making great progress, I thought. We'll be done these flames in no time.

It was only when we took a break, and I looked down, that I realized he had just done just the yellow tips of the flames. Crap! It was after that, for the next hour and a half, that he went back over the same area and colored in the reddish orange.

How do you color in a coloring book? I found myself wondering, as he worked. I suppose you do fill in one color, with one crayon, before switching to another color. It doesn't make sense to switch off between each color for each flame, does it....

Session #28 (NYC)

From December, 2015: the last of the black.